350 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass under a weak random anisotropy

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    We perform a finite-size scaling study of the three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass in the presence of weak random anisotropic interactions, up to lattice sizes L = 32. Anisotropies have a major impact on the phase transition. The chiral-glass susceptibility does not diverge due to a large anomalous dimension. It follows that the anisotropic spin glass belongs to a Universality Class different from the isotropic model, which questions the applicability of the chirality scenario

    Rejuvenation and memory in model spin glasses in three and four dimensions

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    We numerically study aging for the Edwards-Anderson model in three and four dimensions using different temperature-change protocols. In D=3, time scales a thousand times larger than in previous work are reached with the Spin Update Engine SUE machine. Deviations from cumulative aging are observed in the nonmonotonic time behavior of the coherence length. Memory and rejuvenation effects are found in a temperature-cycle protocol, revealed by vanishing effective waiting times. Similar effects are reported for the D=3 site-diluted ferromagnetic Ising model without chaos. However, rejuvenation is reduced if off-equilibrium corrections to the fluctuation-dissipation theorem are considered. Memory and rejuvenation are quantitatively describable in terms of the growth regime of the spin-glass coherence length

    Social educators at schools in Andalusia: Profile and professional development

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    El artículo presenta parte de los resultados de un proyecto de investigación sobre el impacto de la implementación y la evolución del perfil profesional de los educadores y educadoras sociales en las escuelas de Andalucía. La metodología utilizada descansa en una perspectiva de corte evaluativo. En la misma, mediante una metodología mixta, se ha conjugado el análisis documental, los cuestionarios y los estudios de caso. A partir de ahí se desvelan los resultados vinculados el perfil, las funciones y el impacto que ha tenido mencionada figura en los centros educativos, teniendo en cuenta su desarrollo profesional en distintos niveles (legislativo, educativo y administrativo) y en relación a la valoración que hacen otros agentes educativos. Dichos resultados se articulan en torno a cuatro sub-apartados relacionados con las categorías definidas en este estudio: labor del educador-a, percepciones sobre y desde los educadores-as sociales, funciones y desempeño profesional y condicionantes de su labor y participación. Finalmente, se muestran algunas conclusiones en clave propositiva que muestran vías por las que seguir fortaleciendo esta necesaria figura en el sistema educativo, apostando por fortalecer las funciones que se perciben y manifiestan más necesarias en los centros e identificando las principales dificultades con las que se ha encontrado su laborThis paper presents part of the results of a research project on the impact of the implementation and evolution of the professional profile of social educators at schools in Andalusia. The methodology used rests on an evaluative perspective. In this process, the documentary analysis, the questionnaires and the case studies have been combined by a mixed methodology. In this point, the results linked to the profile, functions and impact of the social educator are revealed, taking into account their professional development at different levels (legislative, educational and administrative) and in relation to the assessment that make other educational agents. These results are articulated around four sub-sections related to the categories defined in this study: the work of the educator, perceptions about and from the social educators, functions and professional performance and conditioning factors of their work and participation. Finally, some conclusions are shown in a proactive key that show ways to continue strengthening this necessary figure in the education system, betting on strengthening the functions that are perceived and manifested most necessary in the centers and identifying the main difficulties with which found his wor

    De los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: reflexiones en torno a las políticas sociales y educativas desde lo global

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    D’ençà que l’ any 2000 s’esdevingué l’anomenada Declaració del Mil·lenni, aprovada per l’Assemblea General de l’ONU i que es va concretar en els anomenats Objectius de Desenvolupament del Mil·lenni (ODM) amb l’horitzó 2015, han passat moltes coses. En aquest sentit, i davant l’aprovació actual dels anomenats Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible (ODS) per al període 2015-2030, sembla més que oportú fer unes reflexions en el marc de les polítiques globals, a nivell social i educatiu, al voltant del que han suposat uns objectius i el que s’espera dels altres.A great deal has happened since the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly in 2000 of the so-called Millennium Declaration, subsequently embodied in the eight MillenniumDevelopment Goals (MDGs) in 2015.In light of this, and in the wake of the recent approval of so-called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the period 2015 to2030, this would seem to be a good moment to devote some thought, in the context of global policy-making in the social and educational fields, to what the MDGs have meant and whatcan be expected of the SDGs.Desde que en el año 2000 se alumbró la llamada Declaración del Milenio, aprobada por la Asamblea General de la ONU y que se concretó en los llamados Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM) con el horizonte 2015, muchas cosas han pasado. En este sentido, y ante la aprobación actual de los denominados Objetivosde Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) para el periodo 2015-2030, parece más que oportuno realizar unas reflexiones en el marco de laspolíticas globales, a nivel social y educativo, en torno a lo que han supuesto unos y lo que se espera de los otros

    Geopolítica e hidrocarburos: Las prospecciones petrolíferas en el área canario-sahariana (1940-1980)

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    The Canary-Saharan area occupies a very particular region that has historically aroused a considerable socio-economic interest, first because it is the intersection of several trade routes, the productivity of their fishing grounds and the existence of large deposits of hydrocarbons. This last resource has aroused the ambition of the big European and North-American transnationals for decades. This article is to highlight the great historical journey that the searching of hydrocarbons has taken in the area, stopping in the period 1940-1980.El área canario-sahariana ocupa una zona muy particular que ha despertado históricamente un notable interés socioeconómico. En primer lugar por ser la intersección de varias rutas comerciales. También por la productividad de su banco pesquero y por la existencia de importantes yacimientos de hidrocarburos. Este último recurso ha despertado la ambición de las grandes transnacionales desde hace décadas. Este artículo viene a destacar el gran recorrido histórico que ha tenido la búsqueda de hidrocarburos en la zona, deteniéndose en el periodo 1940-1980

    Derechos humanos y educación intercultural: solubilidad social recíproca

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    El present article pretén aportar una reflexió sobre la necessitat de vincular els drets humans de totes les persones amb l’educació intercultural des de la mirada de l’educació social. Per fer-ho, intentem discernir la necessitat d’albirar els drets humans com a imprescriptibles, irrenunciables, inalienables, universals i indivisibles. A continuació, ens aproximem a la relació existent entre els drets humans i l’educació intercultural, fent especial èmfasi en el fet que tota cultura no és autònoma, sinó que exigeix i demanda el contacte amb altres processos culturals per poder enriquir-se i créixer. Finalment, reflexionem sobre la necessitat de mantenir criteris ètics des de l’educació social perquè sigui referent en l’acció social i educativa a partir de processos interculturals.This article is conceived as a reflection on theneed to link the human rights of all persons with intercultural education from the perspective of social education, as a basis for which we first seek to discern the need to envision human rights as absolute, imprescriptible, inalienable, universal and indivisible before proceeding to address the relationship betweenhuman rights and intercultural education, with a special focus on the fact that, far from being autonomous, all culture is require contact with other cultural processes which enrich them and enable them to grow. Finally, we reflect onthe need for social education to uphold ethical criteria if it is to serve as a point of referencein social and educational action by way of intercultural processes.El presente artículo pretende aportar una reflexión sobre la necesidad de vincular los derechos humanos de todas las personas con la educación intercultural desde la mirada de la educación social. Para ello, intentamos discernir la necesidad de vislumbrar los derechoshumanos como imprescriptibles, irrenunciables, inalienables, universales e indivisibles.A continuación, nos aproximamos a la relación existente entre los derechos humanos y la educación intercultural, haciendo especial hincapié en el hecho de que toda cultura no es autónoma, sino que exige y demanda el contacto con otros procesos culturales para poderenriquecerse y crecer. Por último, reflexionamos sobre la necesidad de mantener criterios éticos desde la educación social para que sea referente en la acción social y educativa a partir de procesos interculturales

    Molecular Simplification in Bioactive Molecules: Formal Synthesis of (+)-Muconin

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    7 páginas, 1 figura, 7 esquemas, 1 tabla.-- El PDF es la versión post-print.The concept of molecular simplification as a drug design strategy to shorten synthetic routes, while keeping or enhancing the biological activity of the lead drug, has been applied to (+)-muconin, an acetogenin with remarkable cytotoxicity. A novel approach that enables the stereoselective synthesis of such a natural compound or its enantiomer from a common precursor is described. An additional advantage of the method is complete stereochemical control and the decrease in the number of chemical steps required, thus providing an enhancement of the overall yield. Antiproliferative studies against the human solid tumor cell lines showed that the aliphatic chain-THF/THP fragment of (+)-muconin has modest cytotoxic activity. The strategy opens the way to preparing novel bioactive acetogenin analogues by shorter synthetic routes.The authors thank the MYCT (PPQ2002- 04361-C04-02) of Spain and the Canary Islands Government for supporting this research. F.R.P.C. thanks CajaCanarias for a FPI fellowship. R.C. thanks the Spanish MEC for a FPU fellowship. J.M.P. thanks ICIC for a postdoctoral fellowship.Peer reviewe

    A new near-IR luminescent erbium(III) complex with potential application in OLED devices

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    We report the synthesis and X-ray structural characterization of the new Er3+ ternary complex [Er(hd)3(bipy)] (where Hhd is 3,5-heptanedione and bipy is 2,2′-bipyridine) as well as its absorption/luminescent properties. X-ray analysis of the novel complex reveals its triclinic centrosymmetric structure with two symmetry independent complexes in the unit cell. Each lanthanide ion is surrounded by 6 oxygen atoms and 2 nitrogen atoms in a square antiprismatic geometry. The solid-state electronic absorption spectra and the luminescence spectrum show long-wavelength 4f–4f transitions which provide a potential use of the compound as a NIR emitting material in organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs)

    Comment on "Spin-glass transition of the three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass" - Reply

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    © 2007 American Physical Society.Depto. de Física TeóricaFac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEpu

    From Broad-Spectrum Biocides to Quorum Sensing Disruptors and Mussel Repellents: Antifouling Profile of Alkyl Triphenylphosphonium Salts

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    30 páginas, 13 figuras, 4 tablas.-- This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited‘Onium’ compounds, including ammonium and phosphonium salts, have been employed as antiseptics and disinfectants. These cationic biocides have been incorporated into multiple materials, principally to avoid bacterial attachment. In this work, we selected 20 alkyl-triphenylphosphonium salts, differing mainly in the length and functionalization of their alkyl chains, in fulfilment of two main objectives: 1) to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the antifouling profile of these molecules with relevant marine fouling organisms; and 2) to shed new light on their potential applications, beyond their classic use as broad-spectrum biocides. In this regard, we demonstrate for the first time that these compounds are also able to act as non-toxic quorum sensing disruptors in two different bacterial models (Chromobacterium violaceum and Vibrio harveyi) as well as repellents in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. In addition, their inhibitory activity on a fouling-relevant enzymatic model (tyrosinase) is characterized. An analysis of the structure-activity relationships of these compounds for antifouling purposes is provided, which may result useful in the design of targeted antifouling solutions with these molecules. Altogether, the findings reported herein provide a different perspective on the biological activities of phosphonium compounds that is particularly focused on, but, as the reader will realize, is not limited to their use as antifouling agentsThis study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (http:// www.mineco.gob.es/), SAF2011-28883-C03-01 (JJF), CTQ2011-28417-C02-01/BQU (VSM), AGL2010- 16464 (JMFB), MAT2013-40852-R (FL); Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (http://www. mecd.gob.es/portada-mecd/), CEI 10/00018 (MN)Peer reviewe
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